Event and conference organization | Nexa Venezia

PMV and Nexa on the same "track"

July 2013

"The Venice Tramway, can you imagine it… what do you think of it? " the initiative organized by PMV S.p.A., the company managing the infrastructures for the Venetian mobility, for the launch of two information campaigns on July 26 and Sept.13 respectively, for the implementation of the tramway system at Piazzale Roma.

The various competences of this company, whose goal is to better meet the needs of the citizenry, over the years have led it not only to oversee the transit system both in the lagoon city and on the mainland, but also to be instrumental in the creation of the tramway.

The initiative also involved Nexa, and our hostesses, wearing a t-shirt and hat with the "the Venice tramway" logo, handed out "feed back" postcards to "all the world", tourists, travellers, passers-by and local citizens, on which they could write comments, opinions and suggestions on the tramway connecting Venice to Mestre.
And a useful "the Venice tramway" tote bag was reserved for those who contributed to the initiative.

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