Corporate Event
Since 2008, Pixart, an important company in the Venetian area specialised in digital printing, has been hosting in the lagoon city groups of Italian and international journalists in the industry. What was initially a business meeting targeted to raise awareness of the brand, has over time become a more informal occasion for sharing common interests and fun.
In November 2010, the event coincided with the presentation of Pixart’s new headquarters at Quarto d'Altino, which was attended by journalists from five countries (Italy, the UK, France, Spain and Portugal) and thanks to the excellent translation and interpretation services provided by Nexa, the message of the company and its board came across loud and clear. Once the official part was over, all the participants moved to Venice.
Nexa once again rose to the challenge, taking care of every aspect of the logistics and planned activities: the arrival in the city to visit the Palazzo Ducale, then dinner on the terrace of the Hotel Danieli, and an aperitif on the boat on the way to Burano for an excellent lunch at "Da Romano", renowned for its grass goby risotto, by now so rare as to be virtually impossible to find.
Nexa has thus been confirmed as the reliable partner of one of the most important local corporate realities, coordinating a team of professionals from various sectors (logistics, meet&greet and reception, catering and restaurant), helping to make the guests' stay stimulating and even fun .... in spite of the unexpected high water, thanks to the colourful rubber boots provided to all participants as a gadget for the event.
Client: Pixart Srl